Device Details


Name | Version: cloud 3.5
Author: bongo808
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: cloud is a preset manager (like Kapture or other devices), and a monome device manager.
Non-monome users should try my other device called Brain.

It saves and recalls pretty everything in your live set, and also interacts with up to 6 monome devices in your live set.

Basically, the first row is a page selector (there are 7 pages), and a tap tempo on the eighth button.

_ first page : cloud, the presets manager.

You can access 32 presets in 24 banks, so 768 presets are available ; the second, third and fourth rows are for the banks and the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth are for the presets.
It acts as follow :
To save a preset;
- click on the "enable saving" button, store and insert buttons appears to show that cloud is ready to store.
- choose the bank and preset index on which you want the preset to be stored by clicking on corresponding buttons on the grid, if the preset slot is already in use, its name will be displayed.
- type the name of your preset in the text box (it is important to name the preset, it will prevent you from overwriting presets later).
To store the preset, you have to choose between "store" and "insert". "store" will overwrite any pr-existent preset on the index number chosen, if you choose a slot already in use, all its parameters will be lost. "insert" will automatically increment any preset at the specified index or higher to make room for the new one.

cloud has some limitations (that could be expanded if I get time) :
- 45 parameters on the two first devices on 24 tracks (if you want to use more than two devices and save their parameters, you must put it in effect racks, the height macros on the two first racks will be saved).
- 8 parameters on the 2 first devices on 12 return tracks (you must rack your effects if they have more than 8 parameters)
- volume, sends, mute, solo, panning on 24 tracks and 12 return tracks
- record arm on 24 tracks
- transport : tempo, time signature, clip trigger quantization, groove amount, and midi recording quantization
- input and output routings on 32 tracks and 12 return tracks (version 3.5)

All the values are stored with the device when you save your live set. You can also save a Live device preset as usual with Live devices.
A cloud preset represents more than 2500 parameters values, it can hold 1024 presets, so it is more than 2.560.000 values that may come with the device when it is loaded, so please be patient. However everything seems to be ok, the device may need a few more seconds to acts as expected. But when loaded it should be fast and reliable.
The parameters are saved from their object id, so you might be able to move things without loosing anything. However, for the same reason, any track or device added after brain is loaded won't have its parameters saved.

_ The program change can help you to control additional hardware, synth, controller, or anything that receive program change messages. You can choose a program number or disable this function for each preset, if you don't want to send program change, set it to 0. Choose the midi canal output in your track output parameter in live.

_ To link another device, you don't have to modify cloud, you can use the example in the patcher, or copy and paste it in the device you want to link, a bit tricky but it works.

Save your soul.


Live Version Used: 9.1.1
Max Version Used: 6.1.6
Date Added: Dec 25 2012 13:51:41
Date Last Updated: Feb 09 2020 12:03:54
Downloads: 6
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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