Device Details


Name | Version: Round 1.0
Author: fendoap
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Input MIDI notes and events will be turned on and off according to the sequence. During this process, parts of the MIDI signal are intentionally thinned out to prevent certain notes or events from playing, adding random variations to the rhythm or melody. This allows even simple sequences to create complex and unpredictable patterns.

random: Randomly create a sequence according to the filling rate. 0~100%

step:Determine the length of the sequence.

Rand: Regenerate random sequences.


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Aug 20 2024 14:56:26
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Attribution
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I have some ideas of how to use this so I'm putting it in the M4L folder to work with.

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