MIDI2Drum Version 1.1.0
Convert any MIDI pattern into a MIDI pattern suitable for tr...
Fell Step Version 1.0.0
A Max for Live (M4L) MIDI device that generates continually ...
Pythag-O Version 1.0.1
Pythag-O is a MIDI device that generates three notes over th...
Haste Version 1.2.1
Repeat MIDI notes at a rate that accelerates (or decelerates...
KarPlusPlus Version 1.0.0
Kar++ (or KarPlusPlus) is a Max for Live (M4L) audio device....
RanDrum Version 1.0.1
Generate kick, snare, and hihat MIDI notes at random interva...
MarkovMIDI Version 1.0.0
Generate MIDI from markov chains trained on the MIDI input o...