pass by beta Version 0.2
play a note if two note are played subsequently.\r\n\r\n\r\n...
Pitch bend ratio Version 2
demo als added, patch updated.\r\n\r\nfew nice synth like op...
fretpad 3rd Version 1.1
this is an over easy harmony launch pad device.\r\nthis devi...
open tuning lauchpad beta Version 0.1
similar to fretpad, but user configurable.\r\n3 presets: UKU...
Beat Fader Version 3.7
Play a full drum set moving only one midi cursor.\r\n\r\nYou...
counter lobby Version 2.0
The new version of \"counter\", work together with \"counter...
counter sender Version 2.0
This is the remote for \"counter lobby 2.0\"\r\n\r\nhttp://w...
JoystickMatrix Version 0.6
browse a drum rack by X/Y jostick axys\r\n\r\npre-configured...
chord splitter Version 0.5
split a chords into notes real time sorted by pitch.\r\n\r\n...
splitter receiver Version 0.5
see chord splitter\r\n\r\ndemo als :
Counter Version 3.5.7
Enlarge your midiflow.\r\nTrig, increment and transpose seri...
HLO Counter Version 2.5
version 2.5 of the counter\r\n\r\nPlay more sounds with less...