Acanto Version 1.1.0
A Rhythmically Independent & Polyphonic Sequencer\r\n- Its t...
Telar Version 1.0.8
Telar is a dynamic MIDI mapper for Sensel Morph’s Thunder ...
CC Mapper Large Version 1.0.1
A simple CC mapper – a small variation of what\'s out ther...
CC Mapper Small Version 1.0.1
A simple CC mapper – a small variation of what\'s out ther...
Sustain Version 1.0.1
A simple sustain pedal, for when you\'re on your laptop or o...
Traces Version 2.0.0
A sample-playback instrument that creates textures based on ...
Square Wave Generator Version 1.0.0
A bare bones square wave generator with up to 6 voices, mean...
Sine Wave Generator Version 1.0.0
A bare bones sine wave generator with up to 6 voices, meant ...
Zurich Version 1.0.7
Zürich is a monophonic synthesizer featuring a swiss-army-k...
CC Converter 1.0.1 Version 1.0
CCC allows you to convert a MIDI control input – as CC, PB...
Triangle Wave Generator Version 1.0.0
A bare bones triangle wave generator with up to 6 voices, me...
Sawtooth Wave Generator Version 1.0.0
A bare bones sawtooth wave generator with up to 6 voices, me...
Noise Wave Generator Version 1.0.1
A bare bones noise wave generator with white and pink noise ...
SH Sequencer Version 1.0.1
A CC sequencer with variable note lengths and resolutions, a...
VCA Version 1.0.1
A barebones amplifier, meant to be used in conjunction with ...
VCF Version 1.0.0
A Sallen & Key filter – actually designed by Surreal Machi...
Waveshaper Version 1.0.0
A bare bones wave shaper oscillator with up to 6 voices, you...