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Username: alexvangils
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Member since: Jul 02 2021
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Devices by alexvangils

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Comments by alexvangils


Hi @UdoRBrauna, thank you for this question -- I don't think there is currently a way to get the track ID from the available_output_routing, unless you do indeed use display_name and ensure that your tracks are given unique names, as you've suggested. I think it could be cool for this sort of information to be included in the dictionary of available routings, so I've filed a feature request for this with the Max for Live team.

In the meantime, to get the information you are imagining, you'd have to conceive of some different logic to place in these routing abstractions. This conversation is getting outside of the scope of these devices' comment section, though, I might recommend you check out the forums, or the #max-for-live channel on the Max Discord. I'm sure the folks there would be down to explore this quest with you! If you don't have the link, the Discord is here:

Hi @UdoRBrauna -- this is not possible with the Audio Routes devices in their current form. However, this is something you could set up yourself. You'd want to hack the routing abstractions inside the devices -- in particular, BrowseRouting and RoutingObjects. I'd recommend consulting the Live Object Model docs to sort out your version of the abstractions:

Hi @Syntho, thank you for reaching out here, this is Alex from C74. I believe that what you are describing should be possible, so I'd love to take a closer look at your issue. Can you please send a message to so we can follow up there?

Hi @chart, thank you for the question. This is Alex from C74.

While the Live sets included here won't open in Live 10, as long as you are using Max 8.5.4 (available at, you should be able to use the .amxd files (Max for Live devices) included in this set in Live 10.

Download the .zip file linked here and navigate into Audio Routes/Presets/Audio Effects/Max Audio Effect/Imported, and drag one of the .amxd files onto a track in Live, or otherwise load the devices however you'd like.