7Soundware- Robot random slicer Version 1.1
Robot random slicer is a simple slice glitch machine , it ta...
7soundware - DelVerb Version 1.0
DelVerb 1.0 is a new take on max4live Reverb, it take a simi...
7soundware - Robot bit Destroyer Version 1.0
Robot Bit Destroyer will perform a Bitwise Distortion to any...
7 Soundware - Fractions Delay Version 1.0
We like to call “Fractions Delay” and highly rhythmic De...
7 Soundware - Pitch Shifted Delay 1.0 Version 1.0
Pitch shifted delay is a Delay effect based around a Buffer ...
Wogglemod Version 1.0
7 Soundware Wogglemod is a fun little modulation device !\r\...