Device Details


Name | Version: Visual-Patch-Diego-Alex-Emp22A 1.0
Author: diegozunigacatalyst
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Description of Max MSP Patch with Jitter

Explore sound creation with our interactive Max MSP patch, powered by the magic of Jitter. Designed for users to experiment with established programming, this patch immerses you completely, where each jitter object becomes a canvas for your ideas.

With focus on objects like jit.gen and, we invite you to unleash your creativity and discover the possibilities they offer. This patch not only redefines how you interact with programming but also transforms all the audio flowing from your computer or interface. Each output reacts to your commands, creating an interesting toolbox that responds to your real-time explorations.

Ultimately, our focus for this patch was to combine live responsive reactions that instantly send signals to a visual that can be altered.

Creation process:

1.⁠ ⁠Created a first patch which later was going to be used as a (pfft~Freq.Analysis.pfft 512) object

 2.⁠ ⁠Created a jit.dimmap on a secondary patch patched to the (pfft~Freq.Analysis.pfft 512) object. jit.dimmap allows the remapping and/or inversion of matrix dimensions and that was patched to a jit.pwindow to visualize the audio response while programming the rest of the patch.

 3.⁠ ⁠Then we created a jit.matrix spectrum object which was then patched to a jit.gen object to generate our visual reference.

 4.⁠ ⁠Thos objects where patched to a to manipulate the 3D spectrum of what was coming into the inputo of our device.

 5.⁠ ⁠We created a jit.glmesh to finalize the reactive process.

 6.⁠ ⁠We placed a toggle object patched to the object and that linked to a t b b which was also patched to a jit.matrix spectrum, a jit.convolve and a jit.matrix spectrum to generate a feedback loop within the signal flow

 7.⁠ ⁠The second inlet of the jit.convolve was then patched to a message object (setcell 0 1 val1., bang) and then to a matrix with the following parameters (jit.matrix 1 float32 3 3)

8. We enjoyed copying and pasting as many elements as we could with no expectation of the end result but we believe this may help artists on their live performance to improve their entertainement skills.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Dec 29 2023 17:56:41
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 29
License: None
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Device File: VISUALS.amxd

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