Device Details
Name | Version: | The Doom Puke 1.0 |
Author: | FelipeArequipe |
Device Type: | Audio Effect |
Description: | This glitch generator is meant to be chaotic and frenetic. Great for sound design sessions and recordings, pure glitch vomit. Based on two tutorials from a creator called “ZeroPointZero” on YouTube. Links and further parameter descriptions are below. Enjoy :) ---------------- Requirements: For this patch to work you must double-check if your Max for live version includes the following objects: (what~) (subdiv~) If your M4L version doesn't include these devices you should download the Max For Live Essentials pack for it to work. Parameters: Time/Speed: 1n = Controlled bursts of glitch 2n = Faster bursts of glitch 4n = Chaotic bursts of glitch Randomization: Random number range: Set the range of variation or random glitch bursts Rate multiplier: Singal multiplier compared to the time/speed of bursts Filter Graph: Clear = to be used if the filter graph explodes Parameter 1: Filter Response = Type of filtering (bandpass, peak notch, low-shelf, high-shelf, lowpass, highpass, etc) Parameter 2: Cutoff or center frequency Parameter 3: Gain Parameter 4: Q factor Reverb: Parameter 1: Dry Wet Parameter 2: Reverb duration in milliseconds References: Tutorial 1: Tutorial 2: |
Live Version Used: | 11.3 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Dec 29 2023 17:05:56 |
Date Last Updated: | Dec 29 2023 22:48:22 |
Downloads: | 614 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(2) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | TheFinalDoomPukeAbleton.amxd |
This is super cool! Thanks for sharing!
Posted on January 15 2024 by JD |
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