Device Details


Name | Version: Cartessian SiDeCHain 1.0
Author: Cartessian
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: The Cartessian SiDeCHain is a must-have tool for producers and musicians looking to bring their tracks to life with unique groove effects and creative audio manipulation. Designed to enhance the kick space in the bass and provide versatile signal editing options, this device becomes an indispensable ally in your creative process.

Highlighted Features:

- Wave Visualization in Real Time: Toggle the wave visualization panel on and off with the "wave" button. Witness how your sound takes shape in real time and fine-tune the device to your preferences.

- Mix Control (Dry/Wet): Adjust the effect intensity with the "mix" control, regulating the balance between the original and processed signals. Find the perfect blend for your mix.

- Audio Length Adjustment: Use the "rate" control with musical figures and hertz modes to define the audio length affected by the device. Customize the duration to fit your creative vision.

- Intuitive Envelope Editing: In the editing panel, manipulate the rise and fall shape of the volume. Create smooth curves or sharp lines with just a click. Hold the Alt key and curve straight lines for an even more dynamic expression.

- Advanced Editing Modes: With options like "snap," fine-tune point placement on the grid for millimeter precision. Experiment with "smooth" to soften transitions and add creative touches with "jitter."

- Predefined Shapes and Total Customization: Access three predefined shapes, in addition to the default SideChain shape. Feel free to start from scratch with a single click on the "X" in the bottom right corner.

This device has been created based on the existing M4L "Shaper".



Live Version Used: 11.3.13
Max Version Used: 8.5.5
Date Added: Dec 14 2023 15:04:56
Date Last Updated: Jan 03 2024 20:57:07
Downloads: 1868
License: Attribution
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: Cartessian SiDeCHain.amxd


Thank You.. soooo much. Best way to side chain. 5*****

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