Device Details


Name | Version: Clip Renamer - rename audio and midi clips 2.0
Author: SiLi
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This max4live device allows you to easily rename all audio or midi clips of multiple selected tracks, or all tracks in the arrangement view of Ableton Live. The naming of the audio clips can be adjusted using different settings (see "Features" below), including using the name of locators set up in the Live Project.


• Improved UI that lets you build your own clip name more easily by combining the following options:
Track Name
Locator Name
Track # Number
Custom Text
(Sequential Clip Number)
• Preview the clip name (based on the first track and the first locator) - refresh the preview by hovering over one of the buttons at the bottom
• Separators can be adjusted (”_” and “ “ are the current options)
• Works with multiple selected tracks
• Added tooltip hints / Ableton info box text
• The theme now adjusts to Abletons main theme
• Choose whether to include the ableton track number (# symbol) in the clip names or not
• Added "Rename clips based on locators"
• Improved performance (faster renaming - renaming a lot of clips might freeze UI and take some time!)
• Added "Rename all clips at once"
• Some performance and UI/UX Updates
• Rename all audio or midi clips of the selected track to the name of the track.
• Rename to a custom name.
• Add numbers to the clip names (append or prepend).

Demo (of version 1.0):

How to use:
1. Place the Max device on any track
2. Click "Open" to open the SL Clip Renamer floating window
3. Select a track or multiple tracks
4. Choose your options
5. Hit "SELECTED" or "ALL"

Made a mistake?
-> just use the usual "Edit > Undo (Ctrl + Z)" and it will undo the renaming.

Feel free to make feature suggestions in the comment section :)


Live Version Used: 12.1.10
Max Version Used: 8.6.5
Date Added: Nov 05 2023 23:04:03
Date Last Updated: Mar 05 2025 14:05:34
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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I use this everyday. So user friendly. Saves a lot of time. I select one track and renames all those little clips on that track. awesomee. Comparing to other m4live renamers this one is super easy to use. I m patiently waiting for the next version. great work. I would love to be able to select multiple tracks and rename all of theirc clips in batch so I dont click on tracks one by one. Thanks for this and making my life easier.
This tool is excellent and is by far the best option I've found to speed up the tedious (re)naming process. If there was just 1 more thing I wish it could do, I would love for it to also rename the clips in the take lanes of a track. Those can get really packed in the projects I work on.
Thanks for the nice comments fo far. I have just released version 1.1 of the device, which now supports renaming all of the tracks at once.

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