Device Details


Name | Version: NoteBlocCC 1.0
Author: submodify
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A super simple device that uses CC values to block MIDI Note On messages. Use CC values from automation within a Midi clip, or from a knob on your controller to either block, or allow Midi Note On messages through. Note On messages will be allowed through if a CC value has been received between the range set on the device. Useful to split a Midi stream between multiple devices, controlled by CC values. Made for my FLaRp step sequencer but could be useful for other situations.

Demo video here:

FLaRp here:

FLaRp with NoteBlocCC here:


Live Version Used: 10.1.43
Max Version Used: 8.5.4
Date Added: Oct 21 2023 15:23:35
Date Last Updated: Oct 21 2023 16:24:04
Downloads: 102
License: None
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Device File: NoteBlocCC.amxd

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