Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Quantize Push 2.4
Author: ahlstrominfo
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: The Push Version of the brilliant Real-time MIDI Quantize 2.2 by Nonagon

And the edited version MIDI Quantize 2.3 by schlam


Live Version Used: 10.3.12
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Oct 21 2023 14:00:43
Date Last Updated: Oct 21 2023 14:02:45
Downloads: 369
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: MIDI Quantize Push 2.4.amxd


No longer works on Ableton 12.1.5 / M3 Mac - are others seeing this failure too? No MIDI notes make it through. Can you post an update?
Ignore my previous comment - turns out you need to have Global Transport playing to enable this device. When Ableton is stopped, the device does not work.
Amazing device. critical piece of kit. One issue I've been having (same across all versions): after releasing a sustained(?) note, if the same note is played again before a full quantization period has elapsed, this note will not sustain past one quant period.

e.g. quantization set to 1-bar. note C-3 is released, a 4n later, C-3 is played again and held to sustain; this note will be released at the end of 1 bar.

particularly frustrating when using the device to quantize input to note-triggered loops / arpeggiator sequences

despite best efforts, not quite understanding the patcher well enough to id and resolve .. also, have tried the gamut of ableton settings, issue remains.
thank you in advance for any assist provided :D

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