Device Details


Name | Version: Expression Control X 1.0.0
Author: MarkSteensen
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Expression Control X is an extension of the original built-in Max for Live device Expression Control.

It is made to be able to use the expression controls of Ableton Push 3 in more flexible ways, but can be used with any MPE enabled hardware.

ECX allows you to map MPE Note Pitch Bend (monophonic) and MPE Slide (monophonic)
in different ways. You can combine Note PB and Slide with the X + Y input option.

The original Pitchbend input is replaced by X-Axis 1 and 2. The input from all three sources can be
scaled with the sensitivity controls.

The 'Note On' Reset button also allows you to output either
0 or 63 as the initial values for X-Axis 1 and 2.

Apart from this ECX works exactly like the the original Expression Control and each Input source can be smoothed and its curve adjusted.

This is the first M4L patch I have ever shared so all bug reports and feedback are welcome. :)

Happy pushing!


Live Version Used: 11.3.10
Max Version Used: 8.5.5
Date Added: Oct 12 2023 21:39:21
Date Last Updated: Oct 12 2023 22:08:24
Downloads: 700
License: None
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Device File: Expression Control X.amxd


Hi Mark!
I am really enjjoying the device in tandem with the Push3
However it does not seem to store the mappings after closing and reloading the session.
How hard would be to fix that?
That one and only bug is preventing me from using it

Thx :)
Hi! I haven't encountered that problem before. I'll look into it! What operating system and which version of Ableton are you on?

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