Device Details


Name | Version: 3 Axis Pingpong Delay 1.0
Author: maokus
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A pingpong delay created by imagining sound as a 3 pingpong balls shot to the right, forwards and upwards. Sound is heard when the pingpong ball reflects off the wall to the respective ear.

Balls bouncing off the each side are heard by different channels.

Channel 3/4: Left/Right
Channel 5/6: Front/Back
Channel 7/8: Up/Down

Channel 1/2 is a mix for conventional use, controlled by the axis based gain knobs.

Room size controls delay time
Position controls seperation between delays on opposite sides of the same axis
Feedback controls attenuation for all axes simultaneously

Mix controls dry/wet mix on the 1/2 channels
Axis gains control gain BEFORE the post processing, therefore also affects direct channel outs.


Live Version Used: 11.3.10
Max Version Used: 8.5.5
Date Added: Oct 12 2023 07:06:01
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 194
License: Attribution
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Device File: 3 Axis Pingpong Delay.amxd

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