Device Details


Name | Version: Retriggerer 1.0
Author: karhakonhronon
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Retriggerer is a modified midi echo to make it behave like the retrig function of a Digitakt or a midi version of the Beat Repeat device.

Place it on a drum rack pad to instantly add rachet to your hihats or place several on a synth lead/bass to add variation. It is only set to work on one note at a time.

Set chance to determine how likely the effect is to activate per note-on message the device receives.

Set ramp to add a positive or negative velocity in to a feedback loop which will ramp the velocity up or down during the ratchet.

Duration is set to auto by default which follows the duration of the incoming midi notes. Set it to manual to extend or shorten the duration using sync or time values.

Rate of retrigger and length of retriggered notes can be set using sync or time values and by activating link, both rate and length dials move together.

The led under duration indicates both that the effect is active and the duration of the effect.

If you are feeling generous and want to send a buck or two my way, my paypal email is Thanks!


Live Version Used: 11.3.10
Max Version Used: 8.5.3
Date Added: Sep 28 2023 04:06:12
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 384
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Retriggerer.amxd

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