Device Details
Name | Version: | Midi-Notes-OSC-EOS 1.0 |
Author: | Demian |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | So you want to control a lighting console via OSC? You have an EOS console from ETC and Ableton Live with MaxForLive? Then don't wait any longer. SETUP I don't know if this is ideal, but it has always worked for me. The important thing is that ETC EOS and Ableton are in the same address space, for example: ETC EOS Ableton Computer Router: No switch/router required, works directly. Simply plug the Ethernet cable into the light console and the computer. The Ethernet card on the Ableton computer must be in the first position in the services. Or just turn off the wifi on the computer, otherwise you'll send your OSC string somewhere you don't want it. FYI: I have often run this with Dante Virtual Soundcard on the same network and never had any problems. On the EOS Desk: - In Setup outside EOS: Setup/Network Port: - - - IP-Adress (eg. - - - Subnet (eg. same as Ableton - - - Standart Gateway (eg. - - - UDP Strings and OSC: enable - - - OSC: TCP Format for OSC 1.0 - - - DHCP: disable (?) - Inside EOS in the Menu: System Setup / Show Control / OSC: - - - OSC-RX: On - - - OSC UDP RX Port: 8000 On the Ableton Computer: - Network Settings for "USB 10/100/1000 LAN" - - - IPv4 config: Manual - - - IP-Adress (eg. same room as EOS - - - Subnetmask (eg. same as EOS - - - Router (eg. the EOS-IP-Adress So you understand what it does: We take the note-on from the note C3 as the trigger. The note C3 corresponds to the value 60 (C-2 is 0, C#-2 is 1, D-2 is 2...). We now put the number 60 into the OSC command. This OSC command now executes cue 60 in cue list 1 from the EOS: /eos/cue/1/60/fire If you want you can insert a drum rack behind the device and label the cells, then you will see the labels of the cues in the piano roll. |
Live Version Used: | 10.1.18 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.5 |
Date Added: | Sep 27 2023 16:19:48 |
Date Last Updated: | Sep 27 2023 17:14:10 |
Downloads: | 134 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | Midi-Notes-OSC-EOS.amxd |
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