Device Details


Name | Version: S-950 Color 1.0.1
Author: MAUVStudio
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Akai S950 Emulator for Max for Live:

Re-experience the iconic sound of the Akai S950 with our emulator, tailored for Max for Live users. Key features include:

Impulse Response Technology: Accurately captures the EQ response of the Akai S950.

Bit Depth Selection: Ranges from 0 to 24-bit, letting you explore various sonic textures.

Adjustable Sample Rate: From clean to "lo-fi" sound characteristics.

Saturation Boost: Emulates the S950's saturation without unexpected volume spikes.

Stereo/Mono Switch: Begins in stereo, with an option to revert to mono.

Pure Hardware Coloration: Focuses on the S950's unique sound without added filters.

Retro Interface: Custom knobs and a vintage LCD screen design.

Ideal for hip-hop, electro, and experimental music.

Version: 1.0.1:

[Aliasing at Lower Sample Rates]
- Previous version had pronounced aliasing when sample rate was reduced.
- This was due to sample rate reduction happening post-convolution (emulating S-950 EQ curve).
- Resulted in aliasing frequencies being managed differently than the original sound, introducing pronounced high frequencies.

[Convolution Process Update]
- Convolution, which mimics the S-950 EQ curve, is now the final process before output.
- Both aliasing and original sound are now filtered cohesively, leading to a truer emulation.

[Previous Version Availability]
- Original version remains available for download.
- Its distinct coloration may be preferred in certain contexts.

[Upcoming Features & Improvements]
- Better saturation stage.
- Improved gain compensation: Current version is optimal at clipping levels; enhancements will offer broader flexibility.
- Enhanced aliasing control for refined sound management.


Live Version Used: 11.3.4
Max Version Used: 8.5.5
Date Added: Aug 21 2023 05:51:25
Date Last Updated: Sep 22 2023 16:25:49
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
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