Device Details


Name | Version: Modulator Constant MIDI Trigger 1.0
Author: inostia
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device sets up a parameter to be modulated with an LFO, envelope follower, or just a regular automation, and allows users to trigger MIDI notes from the modulated value. Each time the modulated value changes, a note is triggered which is scaled to a note within the note range from the Note Range Start and Note Range End parameters. This allows a user to, for example, control an analog synthesizer's filter with the Ableton Live MIDI LFO, via a MIDI-CV converter.

TIP: Choose a MIDI note range that is correct for your MIDI-CV converter, and is wide enough to cover the voltages of your analog synth. Experiment with different MIDI ranges and try amplifying the CV signal to get the voltages in the right CV range (eg it may be required to add +5v, depending on the synth).

H/T: I used Modulator Thresholding MIDI Trigger 1.0 by bitflippa as a starting point, so BIG THANKS to that author (note: this device does not have the undo bug mentioned there):


Live Version Used: 11.3.3
Max Version Used: 8.5.4
Date Added: Jun 30 2023 16:58:23
Date Last Updated: Jun 30 2023 23:48:58
Downloads: 234
License: None
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Device File: Modulator Constant MIDI Trigger.amxd


6/30 - I fixed the "undo" bug.

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