Device Details


Name | Version: Anvl Indiscrete 600 1.0
Author: trippwill
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Anvl Indiscrete is a realtime MIDI time "humanizer".

Two versions are available:
- Anvl Indiscrete 600
- Anvl Indiscrete 1200

Pulls notes off the grid up to [600|1200] samples in either direction. The exact time depends on the project sample rate.

The effect is non-destructive and doesn't change the actual MIDI clip. A source track with the device can be bounced to a new clip in another track to record the time-shifted notes.

Choice of three randomization algorithms with automatable parameters:
- Indiscretion: an approximation of a normal distribution with controllable median
- Deviant: a more random distribution with a parameter for controlling the distribution of deviations forward or backward in time
- Abnormal: a more random distribution with a parameter for controlling how many notes are pulled off the grid

Visual display shows the amount each note is pulled off the grid.

Warning: This is a high latency device.

Adds [600|1200] samples of base latency to each note. Then the randomization algorithm adds or removes up to [600|1200] samples from the base latency.

Indiscrete 600 is recommended for projects with sample rates of 48kHz or below. For higher sample rates consider Indiscrete 1200.


Live Version Used: 11.2.11
Max Version Used: 8.5.4
Date Added: May 09 2023 17:16:19
Date Last Updated: May 09 2023 23:39:43
Downloads: 288
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Anvl Indiscrete 600.amxd

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