Device Details


Name | Version: PatchWorld OSC Bridge 1.5
Author: maceq687
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device allows you to send control messages between the PatchWorld app on Oculus Quest.

1. Control Live in VR! Build your own mixed reality setup to control Ableton Live in whatever way you want
2. Send values from Live to tweak your Patches in VR. Use Live as a hub and connect physical controllers to PatchWorld to have quick tactile access.
3. Use MR venue to be present and see your studio while being in VR, perfect for mixing your IRL hardware and your virtual gear into one setup.

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Live Version Used: 11.2.6
Max Version Used: 8.3.1
Date Added: Nov 09 2022 14:27:05
Date Last Updated: Jan 16 2023 10:22:37
Downloads: 185
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: PatchWorld OSC Bridge.amxd


Hi guys. This device isn't frozen is is missing the node.script file. thx
Hi maceq687, could you explain to me how to send triggers from Patchworld, e.g. from a VR keyboard or sequencer through OSC Bridge to arrive as MIDI note on, off and velocity into the Ableton track? I would like to simply use virtual controllers, keyboards or other triggers to play Ableton or external synthesizers. Every comment would be highly appreciated! Thanks.

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