Device Details


Name | Version: NOF Push2Colour 1.0
Author: NormanFreund
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This patch enables the user to:

1. choose custom colours for the Push2 note pads (8x8=64 pads) whilst the note is off. This
provides the performer with sign posts of what notes the pads are assigned to.

2. Choose custom shading for the non-note non-coloured Push2 buttons. For instance the
octave up button.

3. Incoming midi note messages of notes played for midi pitch ids 36 to 99 (what the Push2 note
pads are assigned to in User mode, are monitored and when their velocity switches to zero after being played, the colours assigned in 1 are restored.

The user must put the Push2 in User mode for this patch to function as intended.

The custom settings of 1 and 2 are defined by the user in plain text files and loaded by the patch.

Full documentation found on my GumRoad account at

For the companion tool for custom midi pitch mapping, see my NOFMidiNotePitchLookup
and for documentation and sample files see my GumRoad page at:


Live Version Used: 11.1.6
Max Version Used: 8.2.2
Date Added: Oct 30 2022 07:46:29
Date Last Updated: Oct 31 2022 07:30:58
Downloads: 133
License: None
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Device File: NOFPush2Colour.amxd

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