Device Details


Name | Version: CC Filter 1.1
Author: rafaelpernil
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Filters a set of MIDI CC signals given a list of controllers.

It has two modes: Whitelist and Blacklist

- Whitelist only allows the controllers from the list
- Blacklist blocks all controllers from the list

I created this utility because all other alternatives only allow 1 or at most 8 CC controllers to filter. With this tool there is no limit, add as many controllers as you need to the list.


- Fixed text save bug. After project reload, all values would be lost, now it works properly. Also tested compatibility with Live 12.

- Initial version


Live Version Used: 10.1.25
Max Version Used: 8.1.3
Date Added: May 16 2022 18:04:46
Date Last Updated: Nov 06 2024 16:13:03
Downloads: 263
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: CCFilter_v1.1.amxd


Hello. Does it work at v12? I used it on two tracks and it seems to forget the values after reload.
Hello @jimbeam, you were right. It works with Live 12 but, I forgot to mark parameter mode in the text editor to save the values in the live set. Now you can restart Ableton Live and reload your project and all values will be kept.

Let me know if version 1.1 works well for you!

Thanks for the bug report!

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