Device Details


Name | Version: Bouncing Nodes 1.0
Author: Hacktive
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Demo:
Bouncing Nodes is a MIDI sequencer. It consists of 4 bouncing nodes that detonate notes each time they bounce off any of the 4 walls of the square. Therefore, each node has 4 possible notes. You can modify the speed at which the nodes move, you can put it in random mode, you can map the X or Y position of each node to parameters such as velocity, duration, notes or to some external parameter in ableton live. You can even modulate parameters between one node and another!


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Sep 11 2021 16:46:24
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Attribution
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hello. any plans for weight, mass, or other physics? always on the lookout for the perfect ae-like drane2 bouncing ball sequencer / effect / tool.
Friction or attraction would be interesting. :)

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