Device Details


Name | Version: MidSider 1.0
Author: NyftyM4L
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Ever wanted to use your left/right stereo effects to process in mid/side instead? WELL NOW YOU CAN!!11!!!

MidSider is a device that converts your stereo signal from left/right format into mid/side or vice versa (depending on mode). The device has two modes - encode (red) and decode (blue).

After the encoder (red), the "left" channel will now contain the "mid" information, while the "right" channel will contain the "side" information. Place your favourite stereo effect after the encoder to process in mid/side. Remember to place the decoder (blue) after all processing is complete to convert the signal back to left/right in order for the stereo signal to be played back correctly.

TLDR: put the RED device before your stereo effect and the BLUE device after. Left controls now affect "mid" signal and right controls affect "side" signal.

Follow me on IG @nyftymusic


Live Version Used: 11.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.1.11
Date Added: Aug 09 2021 10:33:02
Date Last Updated: Aug 10 2021 11:01:50
Downloads: 403
License: None
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Device File: MidSider v1.0.amxd


I'm not getting a good download, for some reason the file shows up as zero bytes, same in different browsers on High Sierra.
... yes. File is 0 bytes.
Thank you so much for notifying me! I've re-uploaded the file and it should be downloadable now. Thank you very much! :D
Nice. Download success.

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