Device Details


Name | Version: Gener8 1.0.1
Author: NyftyM4L
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Gener8 is a signal generator audio effect allowing you to generate noise and sine signals. This is useful in a variety of situations like detecting resonances in a room, or analysing colouration from other audio devices, or even simply as a noise source for risers - just to name a few applications.

The sine generator comes with a sweep function which lets you generate a sine that sweeps through the audible range.

The noise generator produces pink or white noise according to the user setting, and it comes with a bandpass filter allowing you to hone in on specific frequency bands of the generated noise.

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Live Version Used: 11.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.1.11
Date Added: Jul 27 2021 02:20:44
Date Last Updated: Aug 09 2021 10:37:24
Downloads: 838
License: None
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Device File: Gener8 v1.0.1.amxd

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