Device Details


Name | Version: JV 2080 Control 0.1.1
Author: gogoolplex
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Device to control Rolands JV 2080. Maybe works also with JV 1080 and the XV Series. It is only one directional at the moment. Would be great if somebody finishes this to make it bidirectional and with a complete GUI.


Live Version Used: 11.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jun 22 2021 20:28:27
Date Last Updated: Nov 18 2021 18:30:55
Downloads: 301
License: Attribution
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: JV 2080 Control_0.1.1.amxd


I would really like to test this one, unfortunately only the switches on the left appear when I load it. None of the faders or knobs.
@cqhq Ok, that's strange. I re-donwloaded the device and it works. Maybe try to open its with Max and change the view there.
hey, would you be able to make a version that adds support for expansion cards

this works great with my jv 1080 i just wish it could access those, and possibly go to patches above 127
Hi. I don't have time for this project at the moment. But its open source anyway so you can change it yourself.
I'm getting the same at @cqhq . Anyone else get the panels on the right to show up?
Yes, I've got the same problem.
Looks like a great device, but the subpatches for the wave, pitch, filter and amp sections don't appear to be embedded in the file, which is why they're not showing for those of us downloading.
I now generated a "frozen" version of it which should include the subpatches (0.1.1). thanks for the hint @phonoghosts

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