Device Details


Name | Version: DELETHER 1.0
Author: freevibes
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: DELETHER erases the currently highlighted clip slot in your live set.

Its a midi effect but it can remove any clip in any track .

Perfect for live-looping, performing:
Just map it to your controller button (e.g APC 40 -nudge ) , press on the clip you want to erase - > it will be highlighted -> press DELETHER delete, and its gone

**IMPORTANT "select on launch" must be active on [Record,Warp,Launch] Live settings tab , for this device to work .

Let me know , it could be improved/extended
Usefully yours, Carlo.


Live Version Used: 11.0.2
Max Version Used: 8.1.10
Date Added: Jun 21 2021 11:59:22
Date Last Updated: Jun 21 2021 11:59:49
Downloads: 320
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: DELETHER.amxd

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