Device Details


Name | Version: MuteGroups 1.0.1
Author: Robrecht
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: MuteGroups does what it says on the tin: it allows you to define four groups of up to six tracks each, to be muted with a single button.

Each group is made up of six drop-down menus, each containing the entire track list of the project. Just select any tracks you want to make part of the group. The contents of the menus and the selected tracks for each group are restored upon loading the project, so it should be a set-and-forget tool.

It's by no means perfect; for instance, if a track is created or removed, you'll typically want to check your groups, as some tracks may have shifted (track 5 will no longer refer to the same track if you've inserted or removed a track before it). But, well, I find it useful and so may you.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Mar 30 2021 10:07:52
Date Last Updated: Mar 30 2021 12:41:21
Downloads: 197
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: MuteGroups.amxd


Some background:

I made this for my band so we could use the demo recordings of our songs as backing tracks for rehearsals, and mute or unmute the appropriate pre-recorded parts for each band member present.

For instance, if I play along live, I'll want to mute the recorded versions of everything I add to the song. However, these tracks will typically be scattered throughout a complex recording project (different vocal tracks, rhythm guitar, lead guitar...), and it's a bit of a hassle to go looking for them and mute them one by one every time, especially since our contributions differ from song to song. Plus, it's easy to forget which ones to unmute again afterwards.

With MuteGroups, I can pre-define groups of tracks to be muted for each one of us (we're a foursome) per project and just click the appropriate button when a band member joins the session.
you absolute legend, I can't believe this is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for making this!
Hey dude, I've been using this extensively, and I modified it to have double the amount of tracks per group (my first successful modification of a M4L device!)

Do you think it might be possible to modify it to fetch the absolute track ids rather than their position in the window? I change my track lineup quite a bit and I don't want to have to re-do the whole thing every time.


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