Device Details


Name | Version: Scene Switcher 0.0.6
Author: TOGoS
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Launch scene based in MIDI event. Note = scene index (C-2 = topmost scene), velocity = probability (0=0%, 127=100%).

This works the same as manually launching scenes, so the scene will start at the next bar (or whatever your 'global launch quantization' is set to) *after* an effective note. It's probably good practice, therefore, to put notes as the last beat or so of the bar.

You can stack multiple notes with low velocity to randomly launch one of several scenes.

This device includes a handy-dandy editable text field simply because there was leftover space and I like editable text fields where I can put notes to myself.


Live Version Used: 10.1.30
Max Version Used: 8.1.7
Date Added: Feb 11 2021 00:05:45
Date Last Updated: Feb 11 2021 00:45:17
Downloads: 252
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Scene Switcher v0.0.6.amxd

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