Device Details


Name | Version: MIDIdistPROC mr 0.01
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: MIDIdistPROC processes random or ordered note values into 8 output note generators, where the distribution is controlled by seven sliders. Note numbers and velocity are processed separately, with different clock rates and different distributions.

This device can be used to produce basic melodies using up to 8 different notes, with random variations. So it is a bit like a sequencer, but then it is also very different from most sequencers. A toolkit for breaking you out of cliches, perhaps?


Live Version Used: 10.1.7
Max Version Used: 8.1.1
Date Added: Dec 30 2020 14:18:03
Date Last Updated: Dec 30 2020 14:21:09
Downloads: 490
License: None
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Device File: MIDIdistPROCmr_0v01.amxd


And another great device by you, Sir, merci !

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