Device Details


Name | Version: MIDInonU 0.02
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: MIDInonU is a Non-Euclidean sequencer toolkit that is intended for exploring asynchronicity, polyrhyhms and algorithmic velocity generation. There are two 4-step sequencers, a 3-step, and a 5-step sequencer in Sections A, B, C and D. Sections B, C, and D (4, 3, and 5 steps) can be delayed relative to Section A (4-steps). Asynchronous or Synchronous clocks can be selected.

Each step can be assigned to any MIDI note number, so MIDInonU can be used to drive drum Racks or instruments...

Steps can be delayed or advanced in time (Non-Euclidean), the loop lengths for each section can be different (poly-rhythms), and the clock input switch can be controlled by any mappable device (the MIDI LFO, for example), so the master transport clock input can be tweaked as well. You basically have a toolkit of stuff to mess around with the timing of four sequencers in a way that is more like a modular synth than a DAW. Enjoy!

This device is meant to be used as a source for recording MIDI events (notes from the steps), rather than as a 'live' master beat generator, although you could do this if you want, it just isn't perfect for this task. Once recorded, then you can sync up the timing as you wish.


Live Version Used: 10.1.7
Max Version Used: 8.1.1
Date Added: Dec 04 2020 12:51:42
Date Last Updated: Dec 04 2020 13:01:26
Downloads: 1007
License: None
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Device File: MIDInonU_mr_0v02.amxd

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