Device Details
Name | Version: | MIDIccPROC1 0.02 |
Author: | synthesizerwriter |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This is an experimental MIDI Continuous Controller processor utility. It takes four incoming CCs and processes them, then allows them to be mapped to four 'Voltage Control' targets inside Live. It was inspired by a query from Wael Badrawy in the 'Max For Live Users' Facebook group, who wanted additional control over the quantisation of the MIDI CC messages from his Expressive E Touche SE MIDI Controller device. The 'Hold' function can be triggered by any MIDI Note, by a change of MIDI Note Number, by a MIDI Note Number above a value, by a MIDI Velocity above a value, or by a Note and Velocity that are both above a value. It can also be triggered by an Asynchronous clock or by Live's Transport timing, and these can be gated by the Note. (Future versions may provide better gating functions, and it may be possible to use the CC messages to trigger the 'Hold' function...). The gated synchronous mode ('[NoteSync]') is probably the closest approach so far in this device to a 'Quantise' function. This version uses the same trigger for all four CCs. This could be extended to 'per CC' if there is any interest in this function. This is a rapid prototype and may contain bugs. Use with caution. |
Live Version Used: | 10.1.7 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.1 |
Date Added: | Jul 28 2020 20:07:23 |
Date Last Updated: | Jul 29 2020 10:09:03 |
Downloads: | 283 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | MIDIccPROC1_mr_0v02.amxd |
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