Device Details
Name | Version: | MIDIchromatixONE 0.01 |
Author: | synthesizerwriter |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | MIDIchromatixONE is a simple remapper with one major control (to select presets) and a secondary control that fine-tunes the mapping. Almost a 'One Large Rotary Control' effect, and so totally opposite to my usual 'more than one knob per function' design style. It uses interval transpositions to provide a variety of 'inversions' of chords or note sequences that pass through it. There are 19 presets that work on blocks of notes: octaves, six notes, four notes, three notes and two notes. Preset number 1 is a Thru. More information can be found on my blog, as always. There's a SoundCloud demo here: |
Live Version Used: | 10.1.7 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.1 |
Date Added: | May 13 2020 14:25:44 |
Date Last Updated: | May 13 2020 14:39:10 |
Downloads: | 336 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
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Device File: | MIDIchromatixONEmr_0v01 dev.amxd |
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