Device Details


Name | Version: AUDcolours 0.01
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: AUDcolours maps frequencies to colours. There are eight vertical bars which can display any colour when any frequency from 10 Hz to 10 kHz is input (each bar has a band-pass filter, the bandwidth of which can be set using the Q control). Preset mappings are provided for human chakras and for musical notes (CDEFGABC).

Controls in the vertical bars allow the centre frequency of the band-pass filter to be set, the width of the band-pass filters to be set (Q or resonance), if the audio from that band-pass filter is passed to the output (X), and a colour swatch that sets the background colour of the bar.

The threshold of triggering of the vertical bars can be set by a 'Threshold' rotary control. Meters are provided to make setting the audio input easy.

Seven additional preset memory slots are provided for your own frequency-to-colour mappings. A Wet/Dry control allows selection between the input and the outputs of the band-pass filters. Toggle switches control the shown/hidden status of the rotary controls, the audio meters and the colours swatches in the vertical bars.

This is an early prototype produced in response to a query on the Facebook 'Ableton Live' group. It may not be perfect! My usual process is to release early, and fix later...

The spelling of the word 'colour' follows UK convention. If there are sufficient downloads, then a synonymous 'AUDcolor' following US spelling convention can be published.

Version 0.2 adds a selector box so that additional colour scheme presets can be added. The first of these follows Adam Neely's 'synaesthesia' colours as described in his YouTube blog recently...


Live Version Used: 10.1.0
Max Version Used: 8.0.6
Date Added: Sep 03 2019 11:10:44
Date Last Updated: Oct 03 2019 21:27:18
Downloads: 316
License: None
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Device File: AUDcolours_0v02_mr.amxd

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