Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Filter TEN by LDM Design 1.0
Author: IsotonikStudios
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: The Midi Filter pack is a selection of tools for filtering, routing and triggering with midi notes. You can break out of the limitation of Live’s transport and trigger multiple tracks from a played beat or melody. Every nth C3 note could play a chord or note from a set sequence and/or trigger a parameter change anywhere in your set. Each device has its own unique ID which means midi notes can be routed from any other device in the Set, and routing can be made from any point in the chain.

MF Skipper- Play only the first x number of notes from each selected number of notes passing through the device. You can also select the starting note allowed through. You can use this to quickly filter midi routed from another track so that only the first note will get through and trigger a chord or other element. You can also set the device to reset at the beginning of a playing clip. Like most of the devices, you can also set the midi passed through to trigger a parameter change, and allow the actual midi notes to pass through the device unfiltered if needed.

MF NoteRange – This device will filter the midi notes based on the pitch. It can be set to allow or block a specific range of midi values or a single value. Again this could be used to simply trigger a parameter change using a specific note or range of notes.

MF Velocity – This works exactly as the NoteRange device, only the filtering is done from the velocity of the incoming notes. Again the device can either allow through or block a set range of values, or single value.

MF NoRepeat – This device will simply block any note if the previous note had the same value. In the image you can see the input selection, as any device can take its input from any other device in the set. So this device’s ouput can still be used as a source for other devices, even when the midi is actually passed through the chain unfiltered.

MF Doubler – This device will trigger a second note from the note off message. The note length can be set, and velocity can be set relative to the original note.

MF Following – This will only allow through a single midi note which follows a specific sequence of notes. The sequence can be from 1 – 3 notes length. In the above example, if E3 then B3 then G3 come through then the next note will pass through the device. This can be very useful if the number of notes might change within any sequence, but perhaps the 4th bar will finish differently, so that can be an indicator of the first note of the next sequence. The sequence of notes used to trigger can also be recorded directly into the device instead of using the knobs.

MF Note – This device will filter according to the notes set on the display. Of course this could also be done with Live’s Scale midi effect, but the UI here is much more intuitive and quick to use. The device also has the parameter triggering options as the other devices.

MF Phraser – Record in a sequence of midi notes of any length. The device will now play through that sequence using the input to trigger each note. Either any midi note input will trigger the play or one specific note trigger can be set. The output can also be transposed.

MF Span – This is one device that actually uses Live’s transport, and will open and close the gate based on a proportion of a sequence length in beats. Changing the slider to open the gate for different lengths of time on the fly can make for some easy live note filtering. This one can also be set to reset on the beginning of a looped clip.

MF Allpass – This device can be placed at the beginning of any midi effect chain. It does not filter or trigger anything itself. Its ouput can then be used as input in any of the other devices anywhere in your set. This makes the routing and filtering very flexible and allowing for multiple paths of routing in any chain, without needing to route midi to many different tracks and using multiple versions of the same device in each track.

MF Paramaster – Incoming midi notes are used to trigger increments in parameter changes. The number of notes used to go through the whole sequence is set with the number box. The device can go forwards and loop or it can be set to palindrome mode where once the maximum is reached it will go in reverse and loop like that.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Apr 18 2019 08:12:18
Date Last Updated: Apr 18 2019 08:12:45
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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