Device Details


Name | Version: MicroTuner 1.0
Author: zapmatt
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: With the idea of being able to divide the octave into more than 12 notes, this effect allows you to select up to the 22 possible shrutis or notes within the octave and then map them over a number of octaves in a note range. You could then choose notes to input to create your own scale of notes. You could also simply take the 12 notes and say tune from 440hz to 432hz.

A possible update is a feature mapping the input notes so only notes of the desired scale go through.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Apr 16 2019 09:51:40
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 2320
License: None
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Device File: MicroTuner.amxd


Oh! This is what I'm looking for. I thought about how this device could be made and found it here! Thank you very much! Perfect!
Hi!! I have a question why does it seem like it's pitching up many octaves? I've literally just put it on the channel and it pitches up maybe 3-4 octaves. Can't find nowhere to change this?

I haven't looked at this code in a while so I'm not sure why it's pitched up a few octaves. I hate to say it but you might have to look through the source and debug the issue. If you do find the issue please let me know. Also thank you for the compliment.

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