Device Details


Name | Version: DMXIS Preset Launcher 1.0
Author: surfingpikachu
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This is a simple preset launcher for the DMXIS lighting plugin.

• 4 customizable launcher buttons
• Mappable fader (I usually map this to the master).

Simply place this device before DMXIS, choose your banks & presets, and trigger them using the buttons.


I made this to get around the issue of having to send Bank and Control Change messages to DMXIS to trigger some commonly used presets (i.e. blackouts, strobes, full on, etc). This makes it easy so you can either automate the buttons, or map them to a midi controller, or however you want to do it!


If you do not know what DMXIS is:

"The flexible, easy-to-use lighting control package specifically designed for musicians running automated light shows through Mac or Windows."


I am not affiliated with DMXIS in any way


Live Version Used: 10.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.0.0
Date Added: Apr 04 2019 20:38:25
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 462
License: None
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Device File: DMXISControllerV1.amxd

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