Device Details
Name | Version: | Microbit 2 Controller 2.4 |
Author: | Shoeg |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This tool generates MIDI from motion captured by micro:bits. I started toying with this idea some years ago, but recently I evolved the plugin to something that allowed me to create Container, Faith Exotica or The Swarm, as well as some excerpts of Vaseline in its first stages, and some live work for Ensemble Topogràfic. This tool has changed my way of making music. I switched thinking about note layering (the more traditional oriented composition) to density/texture/controlled randomness ideas. This plugin works with micro:bits connected through USB serial port, but is easily adaptable to other sensors (myo, leap motion, ipod touch…). Why I use them? They are supercheap, and have a couple of buttons, which enable to control a couple of parameters (pitch bend (PB), mute all notes (K)). With some recent additions, this version is a bit unstable for now. |
Live Version Used: | 9.1 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.4 |
Date Added: | Mar 07 2019 17:12:23 |
Date Last Updated: | Mar 09 2019 23:19:22 |
Downloads: | 0 |
Website: | |
ⓘ License: | None |
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