Device Details


Name | Version: Note Skipper 1.1
Author: zaSLON
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This device allows you to skip every incoming N note and starts counting from N note.

[Skip] determines how many notes to skip 1-128.
[Start] determines what note in the clip to begin the skipping on 1-128.

[Skip]=1 - just plays the clip note for note.

[Skip]=2, [Start]=1 - plays notes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc.

[Skip]=3, [Start]=2 - plays notes 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 etc.

[Reset] - activate reset on clip restart, when the clip is looped (PLEASE NOTE, [Reset] works with clips in the session mode only. Also it has some random issues, FIXED IN V1.1 )

[R] - reset immediately.

Big Thanks to Joakim Bang Larsen for this great idea!

If you find any bugs, or you have any suggestions, please, let me know.


{UPD} v1.1
- [Start] fixed issue with changing up
- [Reset] fixed issue with random triggering
- Minor updates


Live Version Used: 10
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Jan 23 2019 16:27:28
Date Last Updated: Jan 23 2019 22:57:04
Downloads: 1456
License: Attribution
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Device File: Note Skipper v1.1.amxd


Hottttttt!!!! Thanks

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