Device Details
Name | Version: | Global Pedal 1.0 |
Author: | stev |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | This free device allows your sustain pedal to globally effect separate tracks. I made this for one of my students who noticed that if you hold the pedal down while switching active tracks you can get stuck notes because cc64 stays on. Simply put this device on every track you want to control together. Set them to the same bus channels and then the sustain pedals will be linked for those tracks. Control different groups of tracks with different automated pedals, simply set the tracks in the groups to the same unique bus channels. I also added a toggle which controls the pedal and can be automated and whatnot. The smaller toggle shows the current state of the pedal for this track. The bigger toggle shows the state of the automatable toggle. Use it to avoid stuck notes, or to make drone music or something. Download from my new website to be informed on new devices and updates. Stevie Schmidt -Heaps of Bleeps |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.1 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.5 |
Date Added: | Dec 31 2018 18:12:11 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 259 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | Global Pedal.amxd |
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