Device Details


Name | Version: TB-3 Editor 1.0.4
Author: mugenkidou
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: You can set hidden parameters of TB-3.

- Oscillator Mixer
- Distortion
- EFX1
- EFX2

It works with Ableton Live 10 or later.

- Fixed a typo

- Fixed: Sometime EFX1/EFX2 does not work

- Fixed: Many UIs are connected to wrong parameters

Check TB-3 Suite, TB-3 related devices created by mugenkidou.

TB-3 SoundEditor

TB-3 EffectEditor

TB-3 PatternEditor

TB-3 ParameterAssigner


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.0.0
Date Added: Apr 06 2018 23:03:40
Date Last Updated: Jul 01 2018 01:16:42
Downloads: 1034
License: None
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: TB-3 Editor_v1.0.4.amxd


Help. I cant get the effects to work. Distortion is working.
The following is the way to set effect parameters of EFX1.
You can set EFX2 with same way.

First, click EFX1 button to activate effects. The button turns to orange.
Second, select one from ten effects. The selection is orange, also.
Now you can set each parameters to fit your sound.

That's it.
Hi! Thanks a lot for this device! I am going to update it, so I am giving everything a proper name and make it to have the banks for using via Ableton push 2 (which is my primary controller. So my main questions are: can it be programmed to get midi state from current playing, e.g. via button "sync" or smth and do I need full Max to program such "midi getters" or I can do everything via Ableton Max Editor? It would be so nice, and TB-3 could be fully controlled via Ableton, using a rack with something like Protonica by another good guy here.
Great patch!

Wondering where the filter cutoff, resonance, accent and effects settings are?

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