Device Details


Name | Version: MIDI Modulators 1.0
Author: IsotonikStudios
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: When we first released our original MIDI MultiClip Editor it was groundbreaking enough to just be able to select and change the velocities of notes across numerous MIDI clips at the same time. Then the feature requests started, mainly from people used to this feature in DAW’s other than Ableton Live.

We set about adding a range of MIDI Modulators so that the creative could quickly use the existing notes within a clip to create new rhythms and melodies. Now we’ve simplified things with this MIDI Modulator MaxforLive device.

Simply select any clip within Lives Session or Arrange View and then modify it with the handy shortcuts provided:

Transform loop: Loops all or only selected notes. The time selection, which can be changed in the timeline, can be used to use as a reference. Pitch and velocity can be offset per iteration

Transform stretch: Stretches all or selected notes by multiplying or dividing their positions and lengths to a custom value. The note lengths can be ignored.

Quantize time: Quantizes all or selected notes to the current grid. Additionally to the default quantization note end positions or lengths (relative to start position) can be quantized as well. Amounts and rounding rules can be set to minimize quantization errors.

Quantize scale: If a scale is active (settings) the pitch of all or selected notes will be quantized to fit the scale.

Chord inversion: This modulator will go through chord inversions to get as close as possible to a custom MIDI pitch value. This also works with microtonal scales.

Utility pitch limit: All or only the selected notes will be transposed (per octave by default) to fit into a custom pitch range. Microtonal scales are also supported.

Utility velocity limit: Limits the velocity of all or selected notes to a custom range. Curve options are available as well.

Utility seamless loop: Finds notes that are overlapping with the start and end positions of the clip or the time selection and copies them to the other side to create a seamless loop.

Selection (Pitch / Velocity / Clip / Random): The Selection modulators will select or deselect notes. You can replace, add, subtract and intersect similar to picture manipulating applications.



Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Jan 15 2017 08:30:45
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 3
License: Commercial
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Good day!

Is it possible with "Transform stretch" to make midi stretch marker position controllable together with clip end marker?
I want it to speed up midi sequences clips during live performance near main tempo of the project.

Have a nice day!

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