Device Details


Name | Version: GlobalLeapMacro 1.0
Author: wzhao
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: globalleapmacro,
the first 8 knobs are the same as the old one.
you can map everything into these macro, and put this macro into master channel.
the last 8 knobs are upgraded to can controlled by leap motion.
After you turn it on. each hand can control 4 knobs with different gesture.
The first gesture is open and close your first two finger,
second one is move your hand left and right
the third one is move your hand up and down,
fourth one is flip your hand.


Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Nov 29 2016 11:58:57
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 505
License: None
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Device File: GlobalLeapMacro.amxd

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