Device Details


Name | Version: pcm message math 1.1
Author: atomictag
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Simple utility that adds or subtracts a chosen value from an incoming Program Change Message (e.g. sent through the channel from a MIDI clip programmed to send Pgm Change Messages).


To offset incoming values with a user-defined increment/decrement. Useful for example if you use MIDI-clip-triggered program change messages to change patterns on a HW synth with several slots/banks (e.g. Elektron machines with 16x16 patterns) but you are lazy like me and don't want to input hundreds of values into the tiny pgm change box in the MIDI clip panel.

As a bonus, trigger the Program Change Message of your choice with the push of a button or by twisting a knob (useful for testing and to change, e.g. VST presets)


Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Aug 30 2016 20:21:40
Date Last Updated: Sep 03 2016 07:44:22
Downloads: 424
License: Attribution
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Device File: [dma] pgm change math 1.1.amxd

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