Device Details


Name | Version: JL MKS-50 Control 1.8
Author: redhexagonal
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Controls the MKS-50 and Alpha Juno 2. Uses imp.midi objects sop should work on all versions and platforms of Live.
On Windows you can only use this device if the port you are sending to is not used by Live, so you have to select "imp.midi" under "Notes" so notes are sent directly from the device.

All mks-50 presets have been copied to the device, you should probably save them before editing.

Set your MKS-50 to Channel 1 or it won't work! I may add a channel option at some point


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: Mar 19 2016 13:21:32
Date Last Updated: Apr 28 2016 19:03:58
Downloads: 613
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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Device File: MKS-50 Control 1.8 (imp).amxd



Do I need anything special installed to make this device work? I've downloaded it to use on Live 9.6 OS X to control my alpha juno but so far no luck! (Midi excl=on midi omni=on midi ch1 on juno)

You don't, but I need to test this with a Juno, I don't have one, it works with an MKS-50, but I will borrow a Juno soon, fix and update this.
nice device.
What settings must be active on the MKS-50 to have a successful dialog with a MIDI interface? I can send MIDI notes via "thru" parameter, but I am not able to make parameter changes using sysex.
Thanks for your time
First scroll through the MIDI menu and turn Exclusive Messages ON. Then set to receive MIDI on channel ONE
This doesn't seem to work for my alpha juno-1, I have the midi channel set to 1 and midi exclusive on, anything else I might be doing wrong?
What is your Operating system?
Hi there, I own a MKS-50 here and the plugin is not working, only parameter that changes is the main volume.
What is is your OS, software versions, and what error messages does Max give you?
It looks like this won't work on Max 8 now that it's gone 64-bit... Getting "wrong architecture" error messages for "changelist" and "consciousness"

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