Device Details


Name | Version: Assignable Mod Wheel 1.0
Author: tomcosm
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This patch captures the mod wheel value, and lets you assign it to a parameter within live.

To use, drop it on a MIDI track and click the refresh button.

Select your MIDI device from the drop down menu, then use the assignment drop down menus to choose a parameter.

Make sure you have your track armed.

Assign this to the input of a Multi Map if you want the mode wheel to control more than one parameter.


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: Dec 18 2015 15:29:32
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 926
License: None
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Device File: M4L Tom Cosm - Assignable Mod Wheel 1.0.amxd

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