Device Details


Name | Version: PeRColate Max For Live Device Collection 1.0
Author: TomHall
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: • GenRandom Synth - An algorithmic wavetable synth. Random numbers are generated according to one of six probability algorithms.

• GenWave Synth - Exponential b.p.f. wavetable generator

• Grain Face - Takes a signal input and granulates it, allowing for different transposition and granular sampling effects. Multi-purpose LFO allow realtime manipulation of varied parameters. Various scale (pitches) can be applied to the grains.

• Scrub Face - Variable rate delay lines with overlapping (to avoid clicks) and ramping (between delay amounts). LFO applicable to delay amount, pitches can be applied to the 3 separate delay lines, two of which you can control the gain.


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.5
Date Added: Aug 17 2015 18:56:14
Date Last Updated: Nov 26 2018 18:53:41
Downloads: 3
License: None
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Thanks, Tom!
Hey Tom. Great device.

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