Device Details


Name | Version: TrackList 1.0
Author: 12RT2
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A device that helps you to make a tracklist of your live set. It creates a list of the names of the clips on the track and output it as a .txt file, given the option to specify the range of clip slots to be listed, and to ignore muted clips. After generating the list click Save and specify a location for the .txt file, remembering to add a ".txt" extension in the end of the file name.
From then on, you can import the list(s) to an excel sheet using the "Get External Data" (using [,] and ["] as separators), to interlace, re-index, or just to get a nicer layout.


Live Version Used: 9.1.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.9
Date Added: Nov 25 2014 06:10:49
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 609
License: None
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Device File: TrackList1.0.amxd


Don't work:(

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