Device Details


Name | Version: Locator Trigger 1.0
Author: tomcosm
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Locator Trigger scans and displays up to 32 Locater points from the arrangement view timeline.

Each Locator point can be triggered by having this device on a "dummy" MIDI track and triggering clips on that track named 1-32.

For example, if you have a clip named "1", it will trigger the first locator point. If you have a clip named "10" it will trigger the tenth locator point.

This can be useful if you wish to trigger different parts of an arrangement using session view.


Live Version Used: 9.1.5
Max Version Used: 6.1.8
Date Added: Nov 02 2014 23:40:14
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 1887
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: M4L Tom Cosm - Locator Trigger 1.0.amxd


Thank you Tom! Very useful for my live-set in arrangement-view. You made my day ;-)
Excellent device. Thank you for posting. The only modification I made was to add in m4l.api.ToggleTransport.maxpat and have it triggered every time a locator was selected in the object so that it works when the transport is off.
Thanks for this, I have a question though.
I want to be able to press one midikey and go to next locator in ableton, but when I assign Next og Prev I have to press i twice. How can I change this?
Hey, thanks for that device! Could you add a function to allow the user to set sort of a playlist for the locators? E. g. if I wanted to define play locator 1, then 2, 3, after 2, then 3, 2, 3 again, and so on? I would like to play verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, verse 3, chorus, bridge and neet to define what shall come after the other

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